International Journal on Cryptography and Information Security (IJCIS)

Volume 5

December 2015, Volume 5, Number 3/4

Security Analysis of the Multi-Photon Three-Stage Quantum Key Distribution  
Kam Wai Clifford Chan1, Mayssaa El Rifai1, Pramode Verma1, Subhash Kak2 and Yuhua Chen 3, 1University of
Oklahoma, USA, 2Oklahoma State University, USA and 3University of Houston, USA
An Efficient and Secure Digital Multi-Signature Protocol Based on Ecc  
D. Sudha Devi, K. Thilagavathy and Preethi Sai Krishnan, Coimbatore Institute of Technology, India
RSA Algorithm With a New Approach Encryption and Decryption Message Text by ASCII  
Ahmad Steef1, A. Alkhatib1 and M. N. Shamma2, 1Al Baath University, Syria and 2Damascus University, Syria
Development of Secure Cloud Transmission Protocol (SCTP) Engineering Phases : Multilevel Security & Cryptography  
Dinesha H A and Vinod K Agrawal, PES Institute of Technology, India

June 2015, Volume 5, Number 2

Efficient Generalized Signcryption Based on Ecc  
An Braeken1 and Pawani Porambage2, 1Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium and 2University of Oulu, Finland

March 2015, Volume 5, Number 1

Penetration Testing in Agile Software Development Projects  
Martin Tomanek and Tomas Klima, University of Economics, Czech Republic
To the Networks Rfwkidea32-16, 32-8, 32-4, 32-2 and RFWKIDEA32-1, Based on the Network Idea32-16  
TuychievGulomNumonovich, National university of Uzbekistan, Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent