Current Issue

June 2024, Volume 13, Number 3

Fine-Tuning of Small/Medium LLMs for Business QA on Structured Data
Rasha Ragab and Abdulrahman Altahhan, University of Leeds, UK

Human Intention Space - Natural Language Phrase Driven Approach to Place Social Computing Interaction
in a Designed Space

Pronab Pal, KeyByte Systems, Australia

April 2024, Volume 13, Number 2

Identifying Key Terms in Prompts for Relevance Evaluation with GPT Models
Jaekeol Choi, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, South Korea

February 2024, Volume 13, Number 1

Evaluation of Medium-Sized Language Models in German and English Language
Rene Peinl and Johannes Wirth, Hof University of Applied Sciences, Germany

Performance, Energy Consumption and Costs: A Comparative Analysis of Automatic Text Classification Approaches
in the Legal Domain

Leonardo Rigutini1, Achille Globo1, Marco Stefanelli2, Andrea Zugarini1, Sinan Gultekin1, Marco Ernandes1,
spa, Italy, 2University of Siena, Italy

Rag-Fusion: A New Take on Retrieval Augmented Generation
Zackary Rackauckas, Infineon Technologies, California

Document Author Classification using Parsed Language Structure
Todd K. Moon and Jacob H. Gunther, Utah State University, USA

Improving Dialogue Management Through Data Optimization
Miguel Ángel Medina-Ramírez, Cayetano Guerra-Artal and Mario HernándezTejera, University of Las Palmas de Gran
Canarias, Spain