Current Issue

May 2024, Volume 13, Number 2

A Comprehensive Guide to Testing AI Application Metrics
Chintamani Bagwe and Kinil Doshi, Citibank, USA

Optimisation of Logistic Operations using AI
Semen Levin, Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radio Electronics, Russia

Elements of Legislation for Artificial Intelligence Systems
Anna Romanova, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (National Research University), Russia

Harnessing Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain Technology to Enhance Team Productivity
Shrikarnag Bangalore Prahallada, Ranjitha Sridhar Rao, Lohith Dayananda Ram, Shrivatsa Bangalore
Prahallada and Deepashree Abhaya, Tymeline Inc, USA

February 2024, Volume 13, Number 1

AI in Test Automation: Overcoming Challenges, Embracing Imperatives
Rohit Khankhoje, Independent Researcher, USA

Early Detection of Parkinson Disease through Biomedical Speech and Voice Analysis
Pawan Kumar Badhan1, 2 and Manjeet Kaur1, 1Pyramid College of Business And Technology, India, 2Australian
Computer Society, Australia