Current Issue

March 2025, Volume 14, Number 1

Problems of Activating Students as Teachers with ICT-based Training
Khishigbayar. G., Chuluun-Erdene. B., Azjargal. D., Ichinhorloo. A., Batkhishig. A, Sarantsatsralt. B. and
Tserennadmid. L., Mongolian State University of Education Arkhangai province, Mongolia

Technology-Driven Education: Insights from Collegiate Esports
Rochell McWhorter, Julie Delello and Rob E. Carpenter, University of Texas at Tyler, USA

Mentoring Software in Education and its Impact on Teacher Development: An Integrative Literature Review
Ramiro Pesina, University of Texas at Tyler, USA

Digital Inclusion and Systemic Barriers: The Role of Technology in Shaping the Participation of Women of
Color in Hybrid Workspaces

Sanket Patole, Rob E. Carpenter and Rochell R. McWorter, University of Texas at Tyler, USA

Integrating Three-Dimensional Mentoring with Workforce Development Training: A Collaborative Autoethnographic
Examination of Skill Transfer

Danny L Darden 1,2 and Ramiro Pesina 1, 1 The University of Texas at Tyler, USA,2 Kilgore College, USA