The First International Workshop on Wireless & Mobile Networks (WiMoN-2009)

Co-located with ISADS'2009

March 23-25, 2009, Athens, Greece


WiMon 2009 - Session 1, 23-03-2009 , 14:30-16:00, Room: PLATON

Session Chair

Professor.Chin-Chih Chang,Chung Hua University,Taiwan

  1. On the Use of Game Theory to Ensure Privacy in Personalized Location Based Services,
    Michail N. Masikos,Athanasios S. Voulodimos,Charalampos Z. Patrikakis
  2. SOLS: Self Organising Distributed Location Server for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks,
    Gareth Owen, Mo Adda
  3. Development of S-AODV(Secure - Ad hoc On-demand Distance Vector) Routing Protocol,
    Jin Taek Kim, Jeong-Ho Kho, Chang-Young Lee, Do-Won Lee, Cheol-Soo
  4. Hop-by-Hop TCP for Sensor Networks,
    Yao-Nan Lien

WiMon 2009 - Session 2, 23-03-2009 , 16:30-18:00, Room: PLATON

Session Chair

Professor.Chin-Chih Chang,Chung Hua University,Taiwan

  1. IPSec in Linux using IKEv2,
    Changyong Lee, Jeong-Ho Kho, Jin Taek Kim, Min-Seok Hong, Do-Won Lee, Cheol-Soo Bang, JungMin Oh, Geuk Lee
  2. Minimizing the Number of Clusters in IEEE 802.15.4 Wireless Sensor Networks,
    Chang Wu Yu, Chin-Chih Chang, Ju-Hsien Chou
  3. Fast File Transfer Protocol for Future Distributed Systems,
    Jungwook Song, Hyuncheol Kim, Sunyoung Han

Accepted Papers

  • On the Use of Game Theory to Ensure Privacy in Personalized Location Based Services

  • Michail N. Masikos,Athanasios S. Voulodimos,Charalampos Z. Patrikakis
    National Technical University of Athens, Greece
  • Hop-by-Hop TCP for Sensor Networks

  • Yao-Nan Lien
    National Chengchi University,Taiwan,R.O.C
  • SOLS: Self Organising Distributed Location Server for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks

  • Gareth Owen and Mo Adda
    University of Kent, Canterbury,UK
    University of Portsmouth,Portsmouth,UK
  • Fast File Transfer Protocol for Future Distributed Systems

  • Jungwook Song, Hyuncheol Kim, Sunyoung Han
    Konkuk University, South Korea
  • Wireless LAN Automatic Frequency Assignment Program

  • David J. Y. Lee
    Cisco Systems,USA
  • Development of S-AODV(Secure - Ad hoc On-demand Distance Vector) Routing Protocol

  • Jin Taek Kim, Jeong-Ho Kho, Chang-Young Lee, Do-Won Lee, Cheol-Soo Bang, Geuk Lee
    Hannam University, South Korea
  • Minimizing the Number of Clusters in IEEE 802.15.4 Wireless Sensor Networks
  • Chang Wu Yu, Chin-Chih Chang and Ju-Hsien Chou
    Chung Hua University,Taiwan
  • IPSec in Linux using IKEv2
  • Changyong Lee, Jeong-Ho Kho, Jin Taek Kim, Min-Seok Hong, Do-Won Lee, Cheol-Soo Bang, JungMin Oh, Geuk Lee
    Hannam University, South Korea

    Session Chair

    Professor.Chin-Chih Chang,Chung Hua University,Taiwan

Paper Registration

Online Paper Registration