The Impact of Frequent Use Email When Creating Account at the Websites on the Users Privacy and Security Salwa Al-Samirrai, Zahra Fadhil Mohsen and Aysh Alhroob, Isra University, Jordan
Molecular Solutions for the Set-Partition Problem on Dna-Based Computing Sientang Tsai and Wei-Yeh Chen, Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taiwan
Brazilian License Plate Detection Using Histogram of Oriented Gradients and Sliding Windows R. F. Prates1, G. Cámara-Chávez1, William R. Schwartz2 and D. Menotti1, 1University Federal of Ouro Preto, Brazil and 2University Federal of Minas Gerais, Brazil
Distributed Cloud Computing Environment Enhanced With Capabilities for Wide-Area Migration and Replication of Virtual Machines Young-Chul Shim, Hongik University, Korea
Study On Decision-Making for Cafe Management Alternatives Cheng-I Hou, Chung Hua University, Taiwan
Multi-Topic Multi-Document Summarizer Fatma El-Ghannam1 and Tarek El-Shishtawy2, 1Electronics Research Institute, Egypt and 2Benha University, Egypt
An Sna-Bi Based System for Evaluating Virtual Teams: A Software Development Project Case Lamia Ben Hiba and Mohammed Abdou Janati Idrissi, Mohammed V Souissi University, Morocco
Gesture Recognition Based Mouse Events Rachit Puri, Samsung Research India, India
A Prediction Model for Taiwan Tourism Industry Stock Index Han-Chen Huang and Fang-Wei Chang, Yu Da University of Science and Technology, Taiwan
Performance Analysis of Round Trip Time in Narrowband RF Networks For Remote Wireless Communications El miloud Ar reyouchi1, Kamal Ghoumid2, Koutaiba Ameziane1 and Otman El Mrabet1, 1Abdelmalek Essaadi University, Morroco and 2Informatics and Telecommunications, ENSAO, Morocco
Automatic Detection of Microaneurysms and Hemorrhages in Color Eye Fundus Images Sérgio Bortolin Júnior and Daniel Welfer, Universidade Federal do Pampa, Brazil
Project Monitoring and Control Measures In CMMI Mahmoud Khraiwesh, Zarqa University, Jordan
A Preliminary Survey on Optimized Multiobjective Metaheuristic Methods for Data Clustering Using Evolutionary Approaches Ramachandra Rao Kurada1, K Karteeka Pavan2 and AV Dattareya Rao1, 1Acharya Nagarjuna University, India and 2RVR & JC College of Engineering, India
Diagnosis of Some Diseases in Medicine via computerized Experts System R.A. Soltan, M. Z. Rashad and B.El-Desouky, Mansoura University, Egypt
Improving the Effectiveness of Information Retrieval System Using Adaptive Genetic Algorithm Wafa Maitah1, Mamoun Al-Rababaa1 and Ghasan Kannan2, 1Al al-Bayt University, Jordan and 2Amman Arab University, Jordan
The Comparison of the Text Classification Methods to be Used for the Analysis of Motion Data in DLP Architect Murat Topaloglu, Trakya University, Turkey
A Privacy - Learning Objects Identity System for Smartphones Based on a Virtual Learning Environment Database LeThanhHieu, JinHai, DeQingZou and WangDaiBin, HuaZhong University of Science and Technology, China
Systems Variability Modeling: A Textual Model Mixing Class and Feature Concepts Ola Younis1, Said Ghoul1, and Mohammad H. Alomari2, 1Philadelphia University, Jordan and 2Applied Science University, Jordan
Compact, “Fuzzy” Information S.Balaji Vivek, Easwari Engineering College, India
The Principles of Humanism for MANETs Md. Amir Khusru Akhtar1 and G. Sahoo2, 1Cambridge Institute of Technology, India and 2Birla Institute of Technology, India
The Application Wavelet Transform Algorithm in Testing ADC Effective Number of Bits Emad A. Awada, Applied Science University, Jordan
Introducing a Novel Fault Tolerant Routing Protocol in Wireless Sensor Networks Using Fuzzy Logic Mostafa Vakili Fard1, Sayyed Majid Mazinani2 and Sayyed Ahmad Hoseini3, 1Science and Research IAU, Iran, 2Imam Reza University, Iran and 3Payam Noor University, Iran
Data Mining Model for the Data Retrieval from Central Server Configuration Srivatsan Sridharan, Kausal Malladi and Yamini Muralitharan, International Institute of Information Technology - Bangalore, India
A Review of Temporal Aspects of Hand Gesture Analysis Applied to Discourse Analysis and Natural Conversation Renata C. B. Madeo, Priscilla K. Wagner and Sarajane M. Peres, Universidade de Sao Paulo, Brazil
A Tabu Search Algorithm With Efficient Diversification Strategy for High School Timetabling Problem Salman Hooshmand1, Mehdi Behshameh2 and OmidHamidi1, 1Hamedan University of Technology, Iran and 2Islamic Azad University, Iran
Analysis of Elementary Cellular Automata Boundary Conditions K. Salman, Middle Tennessee State University, USA
Design and Implementation of Repair-aware Test Flow for Multi-Memory Gang Wang and Huajun Chen, Loongson Technology Corporation Limited, China
Vedivision - A Fast Bcd Division Algorithm Facilitated by Vedic Mathematics Diganta Sengupta1 Mahamuda Sultana2 and Atal Chaudhuri3, 1Future Institute of Engineering and Management, India, 2Swami Vivekananda Institute of Science and Technology, India and 3Jadavpur University, India
Integrations of ICT in Education Sector for the Advancement of the Developing Country: Some Challenges and Recommendations-Bangladesh Perspective Mst. Shahnaj Parvin, International Islamic University, Bangladesh
Comparative Study of Backpropagation Algorithms in Neural Network Based Identification of Power System Sheela Tiwari1, Ram Naresh2 and Rameshwar Jha3, 1Dr. B R Ambedkar National Institute of Technology, India, 2National Institute of Technology, India and 3IET Bhaddal Technical Campus, India
Matching Structure and the Evolution of Cooperation in the Prisoner's Dilemma Noureddine Bouhmala and Jon Reiersen, Vestfold University College, Norway
Survey of the Euro Currency Fluctuation by Using Data Mining M. Baan, E. Saadati and M. Nasiri, Iran University of Science and Technology, Iran
GPS Tracking System Coupled With Image Processing in Traffic Signals to Enhance Life Security Manoj Prabhakar K and Manoj Kumar S, Anna University, India
Following Car Algorithm With Multi Agent Randomized System Mounir Gouiouez, Noureddine Rais and Mostafa Azzouzi Idrissi, University Sidi Mohammed Ben Abdellah, Morocco
Periocular Recognition Using Reduced Features Ambika D R, Radhika K R and D Sehsachalam, BMS College of Engineering, India
Design and Development of Secure Navigation System for Visually Impaired People Prashant Bhardwaj and Jaspal Singh, Centre for Development of Advanced Computing, Mohali
A Novel Perceptual Image Encryption Scheme Using Geometric Objects Based Kernel Prabhudev Jagadeesh1, P. Nagabhushan1 and R. Pradeep Kumar2, 1University of Mysore, India and 2Amphisoft Technologies Private Limited, India
Fuzzy Rule Base System for Software Classification Adnan Shaout and Juan C. Garcia, The University of Michigan - Dearborn, United States
Context-Based Barrier Notification Service Toward Outdoor Support for the Elderly Keisuke Umezu1, Takahiro Kawamura2 and Akihiko Ohsuga2, 1NEC Corporation, Japan and 2University of Electro- Communications, Japan
Hyper-Mspace; Multidimensional Evolutionary-Agents Modeling and Analysis Mohamed Dbouk1, Ihab Sbeity1, Hamid Mcheick2 and Haytham Douaihy3, 1Lebanese University, Beirut-Lebanon, 2Universite du Quebec a Chicoutimi, Canada and 3Lebanese University-DSST, Beirut-Lebanon
A Novel Hybrid Method for the Segmentation of the Coronary Artery Tree in 2d Angiograms Daniel S.D. Lara1, Alexandre W.C. Faria2, Arnaldo de A. Araujo1 and D. Menotti3, 1Univ. Fed. de Minas Gerais, Brazil, 2UFMG, Brazil and 3Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto, Brazil
Modified Heuristic Time Deviation Technique for Job Sequencing and Computation of Minimum Total Elapsed Time N.Nagamalleswara Rao1, O. Naga Raju2 and I. Ramesh Babu2, 1R.V.R & J. C. College of Engineering, India and 2Nagarjuna University, India
Security Threats on Cloud Computing Vulnerabilities Te-Shun Chou, East Carolina University, U.S.A
Handover Management Scheme in LTE Femtocell Networks Tijane Fatima Zohra Badri1,2, Saadane Rachid1, Mohammed Wahbi1 and MbarkiSamir2, 1SIR2C2S/LASI-EHTP Casablanca, Morocco and 2Ibn Tofail University Kenitra, Morocco
Saasquality - A Method for Quality Evaluation of Software as a Service (Saas) Nemesio Freitas Duarte Filho1, Clarindo Isaias Pereira da Silva e Padua1, Paulo Henrique de Souza Bermejo2, Andre Luiz Zambalde2, Urlan Salgado de Barros3, 1Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil, 2Federal University of Lavras, Brazil and 3Federal University of Parana, Brazil
An Efficient Approach to Wavelet Image Denoising Alaa A. Hefnawy and Heba A. Elnemr, Electronics Research Institute, Egypt
Towards A Good ABS Design for More Reliable Vehicles on the Roads Afifa Ghenai, Mohamed Youcef Badaoui and Mohamed Benmohammed, University of Constantine, Algeria
Designing of an efficient algorithm for identifying Abbreviation definitions in biomedical Text Shashank Singh1, Gaurav Sharma2 Abdul Nazeer K A3 and Shalini Singh2, 1IBM India Private limited, India, 2School of Biochemical Engineering IIT (BHU), India and 3NIT, India
Labeled Generalized Stochastic Petri Net Based Approach for Web Services Composition Sofiane Chemaa, Mouna Bouarioua and Allaoua chaoui, University of Constantine, Algeria
Bounded Ant Colony Algorithm Fortask Allocation on Anetwork of Homogeneous Processorsusing a Primary Site (Bts-Aco) Buthayna Al-Sharaa and Tamara Al-Qublan, AL Balqa Applied University, Jordan
Biomedical Image Transmission Based on Modified Feistal Algorithm Jinu Elizabeth John, Saintgits College of Engineering, India
Intelligent Access Control Policies for Social Network Site Saung Hnin Pwint Oo, University of Technology (Yatanarpon Cyber City), Myanmar
Hybrid Optical and Electrical Network Flows Scheduling in Cloud Data Centres Ibrahim Kabiru Musa and Stuart Walker, University of Essex, UK
An Investigation of the Energy Consumption by Information Technology Equipments Baharak Makki1 and Bahador Makki2, 1University of Agder, Norway and 2University of Bremen, Germany
Structural Coupling in Web 2.0 Applications Maya Samaha Rupert, Notre Dame University Louaize, Lebanon
APPBACS: An Application Behavior Analysis And Classification System Himanshu Pareek, P R L Eswari and Sarat Chandra Babu, Center for Development of Advanced Computing, India
An Effective Method for Information Security Awareness Raising Initiatives AliMaqousi1, TatianaBalikhina1, Michael Mackay2, 1Petra University, Jordan and 2Liverpool John Moores University, UK
Adaboost Ensemble with Simple Genetic Algorithm for Student Prediction Model AhmedSharaf ElDen1, Malaka A. Moustafa2, Hany M. Harb3 and AbdelH.Emara3, 1Helwan University, Egypt, 2Al-Alson Higher Institute of Tourism, Egypt and 3Azhar University, Egypt
Pixel Size Reduction Loss-Less Image Compression Algorithm Pralhadrao V Shantagiri and Saravanan K N, Christ University, India
Social Media News: Motivation, Purpose and Usage Samaneh Beheshti-Kashi and Baharak Makki, University of Agder, Norway
A Heuristic Approach for Web-Service Discovery and Selection Achraf Karray1, Rym Teyeb2 and Maher Ben Jemaa3, 1Najran University, KSA, 2Higher Institute of the Technological Studies of Tataouine, Tunisia and 3National School of Engineers of Sfax, Tunisia
Developing Mobile Agent for Intrusion Detection Bambang Sugiantoro1, Retantyo Wardoyo2, Sri Hartati2, Jazi Eko Istiyanto2, 1State Islamic University Sunan Kalijaga, Indonesia and 2Gadjah Mada University, Indonesia
Requirements Engineering of a Web Portal Using Organizational Semiotics Artifacts and Participatory Practices Flavia Linhalis Arantes, State University of Campinas (UNICAMP), Brazil
Shadow Detection Using Tricolor Attenuation Model Enhanced with Adaptive Histogram Equalization Jyothisree V. and Smitha Dharan, College of Engineering Chengannur, India
Performance Analysis of Parallel Pollard's Rho Factoring Algorithm Anjan K Koundinya, Harish G,Srinath N K, Raghavendra G E, Pramod Y V, Sandeep R and Punith Kumar G, R V College of Engineering, India
A Systematic Mapping Study on Business Process Variability George Valenca1, Carina Alves1, Vander Alves2, Nan Niu3,1Federal University of Pernambuco (UFPE), Brazil,2University of Brasilia,Brazil and 3Mississippi State University, USA.
A Neuro-Fuzzy Approach for the Fault Location Estimation of Unsynchronized Two-Terminal Transmission Lines Ramadoni Syahputra,Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta,Indonesia
Sobel Edge Detection Method to Identify and Quantify the Risk Factors for Diabetic Foot Ulcers Kunjam Nageswara Rao1, P srinivasa Rao1, Allam Appa Rao2, G R Sridhar3,1Andhra university, India, 2University of Hydeabad, India and 3Endocrine & Diabetes centre,India.
Improving the Management of Cost and Scope in Software Projects Using Agile Practices Mariana de Azevedo Santos1, Paulo Henrique de Souza Bermejo2, Marcelo Silva de Oliveira2, Adriano Olimpio Tonelli2, Enio Junior Seidel3,1Mitah Technologies, Lavras, Brazil2Universidade Federal de Lavras (UFLA), Brazil and 3Universidade Federal do Pampa (UNIPAMPA),Brazil.
An Evaluation Method of Research on Wearable Wireless Body Area Network in Healthcare Roberto Vito Rodrigues Filho1, Renato Freitas Bulcao Neto1, Bruno Oliveira Silvestre1, Leandro Luis Galdino de Oliveira1, Rogerio Orlow de Oliveira2 and Iwens Gervasio Sene Junior1,1Universidade Federal de Goias, Brazil and 2Pontificia Universidade Catolica de Goias,Brazil.
Pre-Segmentation for the Computer Aided Diagnosis System Myat Mon Kyaw,University of Technology (Yatanarpon Cybercity), Myanmar
Extended Nymble: Method for Tracking Misbehaving Users Anonymosly While Blocking M.Durga Prasad1, P.Chenna Reddy2, Banoth Samya1,1Vijay Institute of Tech & Sciences, India, 2JNTUCE, Pulivendula, India and 13Vijay college of Engineering for women,India
Correlation Based VMS Placement Resource Provision Zar Lwin Phyo and Thandar Thein,University of Computer Studies,Myanmar.
Classification Methods of Skin Burn Images Malini Suvarna1, Sivakumar2 and U C Niranjan3,1Atria Institute of Technology, India, 2Dr. Ambedkar Institute of Technology, India3Director of Research, Manipal Dot, India
Concept-Based Indexing in Text Information Retrieval Fatiha Boubekeur1 and Wassila Azzoug2,1Mouloud Mammeri University of Tizi-Ouzou, Algeria, 2M'Hamed Bouguera, University of Boumerdes,Algeria
Performance Analysis of Kernel-Based Virtual Machine Sudha M, Harish G M, Nandan A, Usha J, R V College of Engineering,India.
Analysis of Digital Images Using Morphlogical Operations Amalorpavam.G1, Harish Naik T2, Jyoti Kumari3, Suresha M4,1Sambhram Academy Of Mgmt. Studies,India, 2Presidency College,India, 3Acharya Institutes (Aigs),India and 4Jnana Sahyadri,Kuvempu University,India
An Ontology based Text Mining framework for R&D Project Selection N.Arunachalam, E.Sathya, S.Hismath Begum and M.Uma Makeswari, Sri Manakula Vinayagar Engineering College, India
Mining Closed Regular Patterns in Data Streams M.Sreedevi1 and L.S.S.Reddy2,1K L University, India and 2LBR College of Engineering, India
Teaching Automated Test Data Generation Tools for C, C++ , and Java Programs Hitesh Tahbildar and Plabita Borbora, G. P. Khataniar, Assam Engineering Institute, India
Adaptive Design of Controller and Synchronizer for Lu-Xiao Chaotic System with Unknown Parameters Sundarapandian Vaidyanathan,Vel Tech Dr. RR & Dr. SR Technical University,India.